Meet Maja

Hi, I’m Maja. Thanks for stopping by. Here you an read more about my life and how the destiny urned me into a self thoughts baker, world traveller, crochet lover and many more.

I was born in a small village in Slovenia, a small country in Central Europe. Since childhood I have been a restless spirit, wanting to discover the world, so while at the university I decided to gor for a student exchange to Spain, where I met some good friends for life and by some tricked games of life one of them, 10 years later, became my husband.

Love and adnveturist spirit took me from Slovenia all the way to China, where I ended up living for more than 6 years. While living there I got married, travelled quite a lot around Asia and China, gave birth to my beautiful boys Aki and Tai and consequently turned into a stay at home mother.

I always enjoyed trying new recipes and letting my creativity run wild in the kitchen, but all of that, suddenly got lost somewhere between travelling, trying to accomodate to a new culture where I was living, working, learning Chinese … When I became a mother, the urge for creaing and baking reerrected and slowly I starte preparing some treats for my family and close friends.

By coincience a friend of mine started a business of organizing birthday parties for kids and put me on her list of bakers. And so the word spread rapidly amongst the expats in Changzhou, that were craving the taste of authentic European sweets and before I knew it I was baking cakes and pies every day. And this is how Maja’s Magic came to life.

But all this changed literally over the night when we moved to US. Suddenly I was in a new country and although this time the language was not a problem I was moving here with the whole family, which ment accomodating everyone before I could even think about what to do with my baking.

After a while, when we settled down I realized I will have to start from the beginning and I spent hours researching what I should do.

In all this it suddenly downed on me, that since the ordered are slow, I can finally start baking all those things I miss from home and had no time to work on them when I had full time orders back in China. So I started another section of my baking – Slovenian magic, where I bring to life all those desserts, treats and bread I miss so much from back home.

These are traditional baked goods, that bring back so many of my childhood memories and keep that taste of home alive. I am so happy I got this opportunity to share these traditions and food from back home with anyone intereseted.

Check out the rest of my web page to see what are the different product I make and to see which one you want to try first. You can also follow me on Instagram or Facebook to see all my new or seasonal products and to see where and when you can catch me at the Farmer’s Market. And meanwhile if you have any question or request dont hesitate to reach out through WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook or Phone. I’ll be happy to help you out!